Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important responsibilities you will undertake as a parent.

We as a school are aware of the necessity to provide our pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum and constantly improve upon and evaluate the achievements of our school. Observatory Junior School strives to achieve its aims through a strong partnership between the School Governing Body, Staff, Children, Parents and the Community as a whole.


We believe that we can achieve the best for your child by close co-operation between home and the school. Without the involvement of parents, our task is that much more difficult and less enjoyable. We hope that parents will take a close interest in what their children are doing in school and will encourage learning and its importance in later life.

We would be pleased to give parents a tour of our school, so that the atmosphere can be experienced first hand. We welcome this as an opportunity  to answer any questions that you may have.

Mrs S. Moonsamy

Wi-Fi Connectivity                          

You may have seen a few notices from us announcing an exciting new development here at school. We are excited about this new venture – our school is now wi-fi enabled.  What does this mean?  Educators are now able to access relative information pertaining to subject content, research at any time if necessary for the benefit of the learners. This makes learning and teaching a more fun and interactive experience.  We are fortunate enough to be part of the school initiative on offer from Vumatel Fibre and Cool Ideas (ISP)

Please visit the websites of our sponsors and if you need fibre internet, they are there for you. Click on their name:    Cool Ideas    VUMA Fibre


          Our MISSION in support of our vision is to:


  • Equip our learners with those values needed to become skilled and responsible citizens in our multi-cultural society.
  • Provide opportunities for learners to realise their full potential in all spheres.
  • Creating a partnership between the school, parent body, local community and businesses to ensure growth and upliftment within our school.
  • Provide co-curricular activities to develop our learners holistically.
  • Provide opportunities and incentives for a resourceful and motivated staff and Governing Body members in their development.
  • Inculcate a love and respect for the environment.
  • Promote health awareness and well-being of all STAKEHOLDERS.


A uniform reinforces in learners a pride in their appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community and assists in developing pride in representing their school. Issues of equality, health and safety and expense are also factors that contribute to the establishment of this Uniform Policy.


The school believes the following are the benefits derived from the wearing of school uniform by all children.

  • Families have the opportunity to purchase economical, durable, functional and practical clothing items.
  • Wearing a uniform improves school tone and atmosphere and helps develop a sense of pride and identification with the school.
  • Compulsory uniforms assist to eliminate peer group pressure to wear less appropriate clothing, reduces competition amongst children and removes pressure on families to provide “fashionable” items for daily wear.
  • Prepares children for the expectations and uniform policies of secondary schools to which Observatory Junior children will attend in future years.
  • Promotes equality amongst all students
  • Assists with student identification and safety in public places
  • Maintains the high public and community regard for the school and its students.


  • Summer and Winter uniforms as well as Sports Uniform will be prescribed and is required to be worn during school hours, while travelling to and from school and when students are representing the school during outside school hours occasions.
  • For safety reasons, jewellery (including sunglasses), with the exception of watches and plain stud or small “sleeper” earrings, is not permitted.
  • Obvious hair colouring and extreme or attention seeking hair styles are not permitted. For safety and health reasons it is recommended that children with shoulder length or longer hair, have it tied back.
  • Other than clear nail polish, coloured nail polish and other cosmetics are not permitted.
  • Head scarves are not permitted and hats are not to be worn inside.
  • All clothing must be of reasonable and clean condition. Torn or ripped clothing must be mended, patched or replaced as appropriate.
  • Sports uniform are prescribed for participation in Physical Education or sporting activities.
  • The School Governing Body authorises the Principal to be responsible for the implementation of the Dress Code in a manner consistent with the Learner Code of Conduct.
  • Parents seeking an exemption to the Dress Code due to religious beliefs, ethnic or cultural background, student disability, health conditions or economic hardship must apply in writing to the Principal.

The Principal

  1. may prescribe alternative clothing to be worn for special occasions or camps, excursions
  2. may excuse a student from wearing school uniform in exceptional circumstances
  3. may assist students in financial need to acquire uniform items

The uniform will consist of the following items

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 & 4)

Boys - White school golfer with badge, khaki shorts, khaki socks, bottle green school jersey

Girls - School dress, white socks, bottle green cardigan

Shoes - Brown school shoes

Winter Uniform ( Terms 2 & 3)

Boys - White long sleeve shirt, school tie, green school tracksuit, bottle green school jersey, school beanie & scarf.

Girls - White long sleeve shirt, school tie, green school tracksuit, bottle green school jersey, school beanie & scarf.

Shoes - Brown school shoes

Physical Education Uniform

Boys - White PE shorts, school PE top, white tackies

Girls - White PE shorts, school PE top, white tackies  

School monogrammed PE drawstring bag to be used on PE days

House Sport Uniform
Boys - House coloured T Shirt; white PE shorts

School Bags - Learner’s school bags should be either bottle green or black in colour.

Extreme Weather
On very cold days, learners may wear a jacket (green or black), school beanie and scarf.  Learners must wear the monogrammed school rain poncho when it rains.


Petty Offence

  • Educator will decide on intervention / break detention according to the severity of the offence (children will be giving 10 minutes to eat while on break detention).

Level of Offences

Level 1

  • Throwing of objects without aggression, but where the actions results in harm or injury (should be discouraged at all times).
  • Chewing gum / eating in class (except where given permission).
  • Incomplete homework
  • Continuous late-coming (contact parent).
  • Running in passages, going against school rules.
  • Disruptive behaviour (walking around classroom / talking without permission or when educator talks).

Corrective measure / penalties

  • After offence, learner to be sent to intervention.
  • There will be removal of privileges which is to be decided by the Principal.
  • Parents to receive DT form at least 2 days before intervention.

Level 2

  • Truancy
  • Fighting (where no serious bodily harm is caused).
  • Swearing
  • Disrespect to educators
  • Damaging of school property or any other person’s property.
  • Vandalism
  • Cheating
  • Bullying
  • Smoking
  • Discriminatory behaviour (racially or any other form).
  • Throwing of objects to do harm or cause injury.
  • Disruptive behaviour (hindering others from doing their work or preventing the educator from doing his / her work.
  • Homework repeatedly not done.

Corrective measure | penalties

  • After 2 level 2 offences – parents called in to meet with educator and member of management team.
  • After 3rd level 2 offence, interview with GB reps and parents, and level 3 corrective measures will be implemented.

Level 3

  • Carrying of dangerous weapons
  • Sexual harassment
  • Throwing of objects so as to cause serious injury.
  • Verbal abuse of educators or any other staff members.
  • Insubordination (deliberately refusing to carry out instructions).
  • Serious / major vandalism.
  • Possession of drugs / selling of drugs (including alcohol).
  • Disruptive behaviour (where learner has to be removed from class / seek assistance from the office).
  • Rape
  • Serious assault (with intent / or causing serious bodily harm).
  • Sexual molestation
  • Serious / major theft (cell phone, money etc).

Corrective measures | penalties

  • In the case of possession of drugs / purchasing of drugs / trafficking of drugs on the school premises / drugs in the system request for immediate expulsion after investigation


  • Parents, learners and representatives (if necessary) are called in as a matter of urgency.
  • Principal | Deputy Principal informs parents of allegations | meeting in office.
  • An emergency GB meeting at which allegation is investigated in the presence of the learner, the parents, rep / reps of Disciplinary Committee and any other persons that may be of use in the investigation.
  • If learner is found guilty, suspension / expulsion to the Head of Education / IMG depending on seriousness of offence (suspension with counselling).
  • Where possible, counselling must be discussed to try and assist the learners.

           Grade R document requirements

  • Certified copy of Birth Certificate
  • 2 recent colour ID photograph of learner
  • Certified copy of parents / guardians identity documents
  • Certifed copy of clinic card
  • Non-SA residents must supply a copy of parent’s passports, study visa, temporary or permanent residence permits and those of the learner.

           Grade 1 - 7  document requirements

  • Certified copy of Birth Certificate
  • 2 colour ID photographs of learner
  • Certified copy of parents / guardians identity documents
  • Certified copy of clinic card
  • If learner is accepted to our school a tranfer card is needed
  • Non-SA residents must supply a copy of parent’s passports, study visa, temporary or permanent residence permits and those of the learner.




GRADES 2 to 7


R 9 600.00

R 7 650.00

R 6 900.00





Our Aftercare is situated on the school fields and is home to a number of our learners.  Straight after school, children who attend report to the aftercare, change into their play clothes.  The children can do their homework, but it is the responsibility of the parents to sign their child's homework book on a daily basis and check that work has been done.  The aftercare is open every weekday until 17:30.

Aftercare fees structure for 2024 is as follows:

Grade R to Grade 2

  • Aftercare - until 15:30 - R750.00 per term
  • Aftercare - until 17:30 - R950.00 per term

Grade 3 to Grade 7

  • Aftercare - until 17:30 - R750.00 per term

Late Collection Policy
Parents who are running late are expected to contact the Aftercare teacher.  Please note that if you are late to fetch your child, you will be charged a late fee.


GRADE     Monday            Tuesday           Wednesday      Thursday          Friday     

Grade R     08:00 - 13:30     08:00 - 13:30     08:00 - 13:30     08:00 - 13:30     08:00 - 13:00

Grade 1      08:00 - 13:50     08:00 - 13:50     08:00 - 13:50     08:00 - 13:50     08:00 - 13:00

Grade 2      08:00 - 14:10     08:00 - 14:10     08:00 - 14:10     08:00 - 14:10     08:00 - 13:00

Grade 3      08:00 - 14:30     08:00 - 14:30     08:00 - 14:30     08:00 - 14:30     08:00 - 13:00

Grade 4-7   08:00 - 14:40     08:00 - 15:10     08:00 - 14:40     08:00 - 15:10     08:00 - 13:00


For admissions: Mrs Bernice Kroukamp ( Mrs "K")

For all Application, please go to the Western Cape Education website and complete the applications online.

Contact us

Physical Address: Clifton Terrace, Observatory, 7925

Phone: 021 447 1495

School email:
School Secretary + Admissions:
School Bursar:


Name and Address *
E-mail *
Contact number *
Learners Name *
Learners Grade *
Message *

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